5 Tips for Website Behavior Research
When you are conducting website behavior research, it is always important to maximize the impact of your study, so here are some best practices to consider! Consider the following tips, whether you are conducting moderated or unmoderated testing, interested in UX/UI or e-commerce or just general website research!
1. Effective Participant Recruitment
Recruiting a diverse and representative group of participants is key for successful website research. With a large group of participants, you can ensure that your research findings will actually resonate with your user base.
Many tools for online research require you to download a plugin for them to work. As PageGazer works directly in the browser, this increases the pool of participants who are willing to participate as you won’t require them to download any additional software in order to take part in your study.
2. Plan with Precision
Before beginning with your actual study, it’s important to define your research goals and questions with clarity. Questions you can ask yourself at this point revolve around what you want to discover, what key website elements you want to assess, but also the effectiveness of content for generating user engagement (such as clicking to sign up).
3. Realistic Scenarios
Based on the specific objectives you defined in the previous step, you can start coming up with realistic scenarios or tasks for your participants to complete in order to understand their online behavior on your website.
For example, you may want to establish how easily users can find a specific product page. In PageGazer, you can use this point as your basis for setting up several tasks, such as free browsing the product page or by prompting them to find and click a certain element.
By establishing research scenarios that closely mimic real-life user interactions and goals, you will be able to uncover authentic user insights through the data you collect in your website research.
4. Data collection approach for website analysis
Based on the questions and goals outlined in your research plan, you can start thinking about what kind of data collection approach is most suited for your research.
This can be quantitative, qualitative, or some combination of both might be more useful for the website analysis you want to conduct. By specifying your data collection approach, you can ensure that you gather the most relevant and actionable data during your project. Your data approach will also impact the kind of tasks or scenarios you set up when aiming to capture online behavior on your website.
PageGazer is innovating the way that quantitative data is being collected, by combining webcam-based eye tracking with mouse tracking, so you can now determine what website elements received attention and were interacted with.
5. Choose your research tools wisely
When you are researching website behavior, it’s important to select the right tool for your specific case. Opt for the one that aligns with your research objectives and user base. This could be a simple tool that enables you to administer questionnaires or it can be a more advanced tool like PageGazer. If you are looking for a tool that is easy to use and can provide powerful metrics into attention and behavior, then PageGazer is the tool for you! By adhering to the best practices described here and harnessing the robust capabilities of PageGazer, you can gain access to valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and even identify friction points when conducting website analysis and researching online behavior.